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Every year, Gallup nominates and solicits applications for this award from a select few companies fromits extensive global database. These companies exhibit exceptional performance by fostering a culture of engagement, thus making them eligible for Gallup’s highest honour – the Gallup Great Workplace Award.

Betzone free spinsThis year, Lucky Core Industries Limited was nominated to participate in this award, in recognition of the tremendous progress we have made on our engagement journey through genuine dedication to the cause, and implementation of intentional strategy. Our entry was evaluated by a Gallup-appointed panel against rigorous criteria, and we have won this award based on our demonstrable efforts in linking engagement with business outcomes through focussed local and Company-wide initiatives.

Receiving this award places Lucky Core Industries Limited amongst the top 39 world-class workplaces as recognised by Gallup. Betzone free spinsOther winning organisations are from the US, the UK, the UAE, Thailand, China and India. It is a great honour for us to be included in the league of workplaces that not only promise an enriching employee experience, but also create a culture of engagement in which employees can continuously develop and thrive. This award also recognises Lucky Core Industries Limited as an employer of choice, endorsing our workplace culture and beliefs.

On the occasion, our Chief Executive Asif Jooma shared a congratulatory message with all colleagues:
“Congratulations on joining this year’s elite group of Gallup Great Workplace Award Winners. I would Betzone free spinslike to thank each one of you on this remarkable achievement. It would not have been possible without your support and collective action in this crucial journey of organisational significance.”

While we are simultaneously delighted and humbled by this award, at Lucky Core Industries Limited we know that engagement goes beyond scores and awards. And so, we are committed to continuing to translate our engagement scores into a culture that fosters care and growth for each of our team members, making their experiences with the Company more meaningful.
