Betzone Casino

We import, blend, distribute and sell over 250 products and variants from over a dozen well-reputed international trading partners, serving every key industry in Pakistan. We currently cater to two segments:

  • Consumer Chemicals
  • Adhesives

Other contacts

M Hassan Rafique
Business Manager
E: [email protected]

Betzone Casino

We work with renowned suppliers and companies that deal primarily with fast moving consumer goods. betzone casino reviewBeing the leading supplier for chemicals, Lucky Core Industries Limited provides chemicals for Clean in Place (CIP), Open Plant Cleaning (OPC), sanitization, disinfection and filteraids.

Contact Us

For sales related queries, please contact:
Usama Jahangir
National Sales Manager,
E: [email protected]
P: +92 302 824 3782


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We manufacture and distribute adhesives throughout the country. Our specialty is wood working adhesives which we produce at our plant in Karachi and primarily distribute hotmelts from a renowned supplier.

Contact Us

For sales related queries, please contact:
Usama Jahangir
National Sales Manager
E: [email protected]
P: +92 302 824 3782

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