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Light Ash

Dense Ash

Refined Sodium Bicarbonate

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Light soda ash

Light soda ash is an important basic industrial chemical, widely used in fixed alkali manufacturing betzone sports bettingof products such as glass, sodium salts, soap, sodium silicates, detergents, bicarbonates, pulp and paper, iron and steel, aluminum, cleaning compounds, water softening chemicals, and textile dyes.

Dense soda ash

Dense soda ash is an important industrial chemical used in the glass, silicate, detergent, and other industries.

Refined sodium bicarbonate

Refined sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, is used in the manufacture of specialty bakery items, textiles, chemicals, oral care products, deodorizers and personal care products. It is also used for vegetable cleaning applications and in the blasting of metals.

Properties and Manufacturing

Light ash

Light ash is produced betzone reviewusing the ammonia-soda process, popularly known as the Solvay process. Common salt and limestone are the key raw materials processed and converted into soda ash and calcium chloride. Light soda ash is a white, odorless, uniform product which has a tendency to absorb moisture from the atmosphere.

  • Betzone Casino Na2CO3
  • Common Names: Sodium Carbonate, Calcined Soda, Disodium Carbonate

Dense soda ash

Dense soda ash is mainly sodium carbonate with two water molecules and is produced by densification and crystallisation of light ash. Its density is almost double that of light ash. Dense soda ash dissolves readily in hard and soft water.

  • Chemical Formula: Na2CO3 .nH2O
  • Common Names: Sodium carbonate, calcined soda, disodium carbonate

Refined sodium bicarbonate

Refined sodium bicarbonate is formed when wet crude bicarbonate is calcined and is dissolved to form slurry. Slurry is then filtered and polished in the filtering equipment. The clear solution is then carbonated in a carbonation tower to form sodium bicarbonate crystals which are centrifuged, washed, dried and packed.

  • Chemical Formula: NaHCO3
  • Common Names: Baking Soda, Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate, Sodium Acid Carbonate